Bird taxonomy
The UK has a rich bird taxonomy. Birds are classified into various orders, which group together birds with similar characteristics and evolutionary history. Here’s a breakdown of the major bird orders found in the UK:
Galliformes (Landfowl)
These are ground-dwelling birds with heavy bodies and short wings. Examples include grouse, quail, pheasants, and partridges.
Anseriformes (Waterfowl)
These are aquatic birds with webbed feet for swimming. Examples include ducks, geese, and swans.
Charadriiformes (Waders)
These are shorebirds with long legs and bills adapted for feeding in shallow water.
Examples include oystercatchers, plovers, sandpipers, and gulls.
Accipitriformes (Birds of Prey). These are predatory birds with sharp talons and beaks for hunting. Examples include hawks, eagles, kites, and buzzards.
Strigiformes (Owls)
These are nocturnal birds of prey with excellent hearing and vision.
Passeriformes (Perching Birds)
This is the largest and most diverse order of birds, with over half of all bird species.
They are characterized by their perching feet with three toes pointing forward and one backward. Examples include songbirds, finches, tits, swallows, and crows.
Bird Species
The official list of British birds recognized by the British Ornithologists’ Union currently contains 628 species. These include birds observed in a wild or apparently wild state in Britain. You can find the complete list in the 10th edition of The Checklist of Birds of Britain.